

How to Use Social Proof to Boost Your Online Marketing

Have you ever been scrolling through Instagram and been drawn to a product you’ve seen repeatedly? Have you ever felt compelled to stop at the coffee shop with a line out the door versus the empty one around the corner? If you’ve ever experienced a sudden fear of missing out when you see other people… Continue reading How to Use Social Proof to Boost Your Online Marketing


Thriving Beyond COVID-19: The New Marketing Model for Small Businesses

The economic impacts of the pandemic are becoming more tangible with each passing day. A survey conducted by the Census Bureau determined that out of the 51% of companies reporting they had experienced substantial negative effects related to COVID-19 two months ago, 38% face the same challenges today. Many businesses have adopted a belt-tightening approach.… Continue reading Thriving Beyond COVID-19: The New Marketing Model for Small Businesses


Brand Crisis Management: How Do You Respond to a Crisis in Business?

Around 54% of small businesses have reported unsustainability due to the pandemic, but what has not been brought to light is the effect the crisis has caused on well-established brands, as well. Disney’s yearly revenue has gone down by 31%, hotels worldwide have been losing 42% of jobs, fashion brand Gucci has had a 23%… Continue reading Brand Crisis Management: How Do You Respond to a Crisis in Business?


How Consumer Behavior Has Changed in 2020

We as Internet Marketers talk about search intent a lot, whether it’s for organic searches on SERPs or for content. I even wrote about it previously in my last blog post about the benefits of SEO during the COVID-19 pandemic and how you can use search intent to your advantage. But, let’s go into a… Continue reading How Consumer Behavior Has Changed in 2020

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