

Creating Industry Connections (Virtually)

Creating Industry Connections (Virtually) Graduating amidst a pandemic was not how I pictured spending my senior year of college. Life changed in an instant. The job market shrank. My classmates and professors were at home, scattered around the globe instead of in a single classroom. Person-to-person interaction became rare and exclusively transactional.  We are slowly… Continue reading Creating Industry Connections (Virtually)


Tips For Running A Better Business

Information Technology Blog – – Tips For Running A Better Business – Information Technology Blog Your company may be getting by okay, but this type of mentality isn’t going to allow you to truly grow and expand over the years. There are a few specific tips you should know about that are going to help… Continue reading Tips For Running A Better Business


Training Your Gut: Business Edition

Training Your Gut: Business Edition Over 40% of CEOs said they rely on intuition over big data for decisions. That’s a hefty percentage.  While big data and analytics are monumentally helpful in making decisions, a seasoned intuition proves itself irreplaceable. If the good old gut feeling was not to be trusted, humans would have perished… Continue reading Training Your Gut: Business Edition


Brand Crisis Management: How Do You Respond to a Crisis in Business?

Around 54% of small businesses have reported unsustainability due to the pandemic, but what has not been brought to light is the effect the crisis has caused on well-established brands, as well. Disney’s yearly revenue has gone down by 31%, hotels worldwide have been losing 42% of jobs, fashion brand Gucci has had a 23%… Continue reading Brand Crisis Management: How Do You Respond to a Crisis in Business?


Increase Your Efficiency at Work

Increase Your Efficiency at Work You know those days where it feels you’re like running, but you never get anywhere? You’re working longer hours just to get projects done. We all get that way sometimes… it’s a factor of life. Instead of sulking in worry and stress, try reversing the way you work. Adding or… Continue reading Increase Your Efficiency at Work


Mission Im-PURPOSE-ible Explaining Your Brand Vision & Mission

Mission Im-PURPOSE-ible Explaining Your Brand Vision & Mission Why? Of all the question words, this one looms over your head like a hawk circling prey. The word gets especially confusing in business scenarios. According to Gallup research, only 41% of employees knew the reason in which their company stands and their company’s differentiating factors. That’s… Continue reading Mission Im-PURPOSE-ible Explaining Your Brand Vision & Mission


5 Reasons to Start Creating Webinars NOW

This is a weird time. COVID-19, murder hornets, designer masks…the world has really started to get creative. Many small businesses are struggling right now. If that includes your business, then it’s time for you to get creative, too. Start with something you’ve heard of, but never done before: a webinar.   What even is a… Continue reading 5 Reasons to Start Creating Webinars NOW


Don’t Be Afraid of Content – 6 Strategies to Help You Win

  Keeping your target audience engaged is invaluable for your brand. When your audience shares, comments, or likes your content, they are telling people that your brand is delivering value. Earning the engagement of your target potential customers is not an easy task. It requires consistency, creative thoughtfulness, and collaborative efforts from your marketing team.… Continue reading Don’t Be Afraid of Content – 6 Strategies to Help You Win


How to Stay Motivated in Business

How to Stay Motivated in Business Motivation. It can come and go in a fleeting moment or stay as persistent as a stoked fire. We go back and forth like the tides. It recedes and comes back in different forms. As Confucius famously stated, “The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to… Continue reading How to Stay Motivated in Business


How Social Media Has Changed Us: COVID-19 edition

How Social Media Has Changed Us: COVID-19 edition What’s the first thing you grab in the morning?  A glass of water? Probably not. Your toothbrush? Eh. How about your phone? Think about that. The amount of people looking at their phone within the first few minutes of waking up and/or brushing their teeth is astounding.… Continue reading How Social Media Has Changed Us: COVID-19 edition

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