Self Improvement


Increase Your Efficiency at Work

Increase Your Efficiency at Work You know those days where it feels you’re like running, but you never get anywhere? You’re working longer hours just to get projects done. We all get that way sometimes… it’s a factor of life. Instead of sulking in worry and stress, try reversing the way you work. Adding or… Continue reading Increase Your Efficiency at Work


Project Management & Your Life Part II

Project Management & Your Life Part 2 Didn’t get enough from our first “Project Management & Your Life” article? We love to see that hunger for project management knowledge. 👏🏽 Anyways, I’ll let you get down to the learning!   Deliverable This is the result(s)/output(s) of a completed project. Results can be exemplified in reports,… Continue reading Project Management & Your Life Part II


Project Management & Your Life

Project Management & Your Life Life is one big project. The people in your life are your coworkers. Your daily tasks test your problem-solving skills. You present your findings from these tasks to your friends and family. Then they give their opinions on how you can improve (most often, whether you like it or not).… Continue reading Project Management & Your Life


Mission Im-PURPOSE-ible Explaining Your Brand Vision & Mission

Mission Im-PURPOSE-ible Explaining Your Brand Vision & Mission Why? Of all the question words, this one looms over your head like a hawk circling prey. The word gets especially confusing in business scenarios. According to Gallup research, only 41% of employees knew the reason in which their company stands and their company’s differentiating factors. That’s… Continue reading Mission Im-PURPOSE-ible Explaining Your Brand Vision & Mission


How to Stay Motivated in Business

How to Stay Motivated in Business Motivation. It can come and go in a fleeting moment or stay as persistent as a stoked fire. We go back and forth like the tides. It recedes and comes back in different forms. As Confucius famously stated, “The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to… Continue reading How to Stay Motivated in Business


Make a Difference in Your Community: We Know… it’s Cliché

Make a Difference in Your Community: We Know… it’s Cliché Yes, we know that this title is intimidating. The world seems to be turning at an unfamiliar pace. Sometimes the minutes pass by, begrudgingly, especially while trapped indoors. Other times it seems like someone pressed the fast-forward button and you wish you could press pause.… Continue reading Make a Difference in Your Community: We Know… it’s Cliché


Get Ahead While Inside

Get Ahead While Inside You probably just finished the last show you wanted to binge on Netflix. Minutes… hours… days have been ticking away and what do you have to show for it? An impressive snack pantry? Extensive knowledge of Joe Exotic and Carole Baskin? While it is great to have more time for yourself,… Continue reading Get Ahead While Inside

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