“Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel” Inspiration for Bloggers


“Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel”

Inspiration for Bloggers

The inspiration well ran dry, huh? 😔

We’ve all been there. Those times when you are really scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas are not our proudest moments. 

But here’s something that will blow your mind:

Writer’s block is not an ailment, but an excuse.

A very, very persuasive excuse, but an excuse, nonetheless. The truth is that the stringing together of any words is writing. Whenever you think that you just can’t put any words down, believe me, you can. They may be clunky, or even hideous in some cases, but at least your thoughts are rolling.

Bloggers with their consistent need for new topics and inspiration may become burdened with this excuse. However, we are here to remind you that you can and will carry on!


Get the Ball Rollin’

Topics sometimes spark a fire, while other times, it barely emits a glimmer. For those times when you need a boost, remember to keep freewriting in your back pocket. Freewriting lets the brain throw up all its ideas, giving room to write without judgement and social pressure. You don’t have to be perfect the first time. Marketing extraordinaire, Ann Handley, calls this “The Ugly First Draft” or “TUFD” in her book, Everybody Writes. Don’t be afraid of ugly writing, for that is the only way you get better!


Keep the Ball Rollin’

Occasionally, you get a topic that sticks with you. The words flow like a river barreling down a steep slope. The rule that you can only write about something once is false. You can write about the same post as long as you have new things to say. A new development or perspective can diversify your writing, even help you specialize. If you have an idea to spice up something you previously wrote, go for it! Sequels aren’t always terrible.… look at the Toy Story movies and the Harry Potter franchise. They got it right, and so can you!


What’s New?

There’s always a question to be answered, a problem to be solved, a situation needing expertise. While your interest in the subject may seem more important than other’s interest, that isn’t always true. 

Let’s say your audience digs Snuggies, but you have always been more of a blanket person. There’s a reason why much of your audience took an interest in that one thing. Through research, you might find something phenomenally interesting about Snuggies (like the option for pockets or the breezy mobility of sleeves). There is always room for fresh opinions in the writing world. You’ll bring something unique being you’re originally a blanket person, rather than a hardcore Snuggie snuggler.

Keep your eyes peeled for those trending topics and learn why they’re big news. Find the reason for the fuss, and you might uncover an undiscovered passion for the subject


Extra Tips for “Writer’s Block”

Here on some extra little tidbits to refresh your blogging!




The Bottom Line

You’re the only one with your voice. Period. No one on Earth has the exact experiences, personality, and style as you. Blogging, specifically, gives you the freedom to write the way only you can. Treasure that. Let it fuel your confidence when it’s running on empty and free you from the shackles of personal judgement. That way, you’ll never be scraping the bottom of any barrel. 

All you need to do now is write.

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