Digital Marketing


Digital Marketing and Social Media

DIGITAL MARKETING AND SOCIAL MEDIA The digital marketing industry is booming and expanding every day. Did you know that Google receives more than 77,000 searches every second? Yes, this is a true fact and learning this information helped me understand the spectrum of this rapidly growing industry.  Nearly all aspects of our world are impacted… Continue reading Digital Marketing and Social Media


Increase Your Efficiency at Work

Increase Your Efficiency at Work You know those days where it feels you’re like running, but you never get anywhere? You’re working longer hours just to get projects done. We all get that way sometimes… it’s a factor of life. Instead of sulking in worry and stress, try reversing the way you work. Adding or… Continue reading Increase Your Efficiency at Work


Does This Word Get Capitalized? A Beginner’s Guide to Copywriting

Does This Word Get Capitalized? A Beginner’s Guide to Copywriting Copywriting. It’s everywhere and entwined in almost everything. Ads. Websites. Emails. Marketing, advertising, and sales revolve around this crucial task. Having recently ventured into the land of copywriting, here’s a list of tips, tricks, and resources to aid you on your quest for magnificent copy.… Continue reading Does This Word Get Capitalized? A Beginner’s Guide to Copywriting


How to Stay Motivated in Business

How to Stay Motivated in Business Motivation. It can come and go in a fleeting moment or stay as persistent as a stoked fire. We go back and forth like the tides. It recedes and comes back in different forms. As Confucius famously stated, “The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to… Continue reading How to Stay Motivated in Business


Wazzup Dawg? A Reflection in Brand Voice

Hey. Hiya. Hello. Greetings play a major role in how you see someone. Addressing your boss with the same verbiage of a college frat boy might not go over too well. So, what about brand voice? What kind of conversational should your brand be? The answer lies crocheted into your brand image quilt. When contemplating… Continue reading Wazzup Dawg? A Reflection in Brand Voice


Your Guide to Social Media Video Dimensions

Your Guide to Social Media Video Dimensions “Lights. Camera. Action.” used to mean crazy heavy equipment and intricate costumes. Now, video creation has taken a new meaning… a more bare-bones approach. With our ready access to cameras, content can be created at seconds notice, especially social media content. HOLD IT RIGHT THERE, BUSTER! Before you… Continue reading Your Guide to Social Media Video Dimensions


How Social Media Has Changed Us: COVID-19 edition

How Social Media Has Changed Us: COVID-19 edition What’s the first thing you grab in the morning?  A glass of water? Probably not. Your toothbrush? Eh. How about your phone? Think about that. The amount of people looking at their phone within the first few minutes of waking up and/or brushing their teeth is astounding.… Continue reading How Social Media Has Changed Us: COVID-19 edition


6 Ways to Battle Bad Online Reviews

6 Ways to Battle Bad Online Reviews One of the hardest lessons to learn as a kid was that not everyone is going to like you. Believe me, I tried to push the boundaries with candy bribery, but it only lasted as long as the sugary goodness did. After that, the social atmosphere resumed as… Continue reading 6 Ways to Battle Bad Online Reviews


Get Ahead While Inside

Get Ahead While Inside You probably just finished the last show you wanted to binge on Netflix. Minutes… hours… days have been ticking away and what do you have to show for it? An impressive snack pantry? Extensive knowledge of Joe Exotic and Carole Baskin? While it is great to have more time for yourself,… Continue reading Get Ahead While Inside

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