What is Conversion Rate Optimization? Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the process of increasing the percentage of conversions from a website or mobile app. In the context of E-commerce, CRO is the optimization of digital sales conversions. Why is this important? It is our observation that the most successful E-Commerce entrepreneurs are able… Continue reading Conversion Rate Optimization
In today’s advertising market there’s a million-dollar question that everyone has. “How can I increase my sales WITHOUT increasing my ad spend?” Legends say those who are capable of doing this have already ascended to marketing mount olympus and have tea time daily with Russel Brunson and Gary Vee… Seriously though. Especially after 2020, ad… Continue reading How We Added $500,000 In Sales With 3 Stupid Simple Split Tests
Today, everyone relies heavily on a wide range of different tools to manage social selling campaigns for our clients. As you can imagine, it becomes quite a pretty complicated task once you are managing dozens of different social accounts across many brands. To succeed, you need a suite of online helpers. Out of the more… Continue reading Generate More Leads With These 3 Tools
If you do a Google search for “PPC agency,” you can find thousands of businesses selling AdWords services. Why? Because Google AdWords is complicated and tough to navigate for new PPC marketers and small businesses. Which is why you might be considering getting a Google Adwords certification. Since Google is the most popular search network on… Continue reading 4 Reasons Why You Should Get AdWords Certified
Have you ever been scrolling through Instagram and been drawn to a product you’ve seen repeatedly? Have you ever felt compelled to stop at the coffee shop with a line out the door versus the empty one around the corner? If you’ve ever experienced a sudden fear of missing out when you see other people… Continue reading How to Use Social Proof to Boost Your Online Marketing
You don’t need a business degree to know that your company needs a marketing plan. Successful startups dedicate months to designing a strategy for conversions and online visibility. They run focus groups and conduct market research to guide their execution, but they don’t stop there. Even niche businesses aren’t so scarce anymore. Everyone has someone… Continue reading What Marketing Competitor Analysis Is and How to Do it
Companies are giving employees more time, money, and flexibility to recognize the new reality of 100% remote work. The future of work is a hybrid solution that will include both remote and in-person work, according to Rhiannon Staples, chief marketing officer at the people management platform Hibob. “There is still value in meeting face to… Continue reading 10 new perks of remote work
Going freelance can be a scary prospect, as there are so many unknowns. Will you find enough clients to keep the wolf from the door? How much will you earn? How often will you get paid? 1. You’re running a business Many people think that switching from being a staff member to a freelancer… Continue reading What they never tell you about becoming a freelance creative
Every blogger wants their blog to rank in the top position in Google search results since users commonly select results contained on the first page, especially those in one of the top 3 positions, as you can see in the graphic below. And, for years, the Google search algorithm made content king. This explains why… Continue reading AI Content Creator: 5 Ways it Helps Your Blog Grow
Managing social media shouldn’t be a pain, and it shouldn’t monopolize your entire schedule. Social media platforms are meant to be a fun new way to engage with others within your network. When you apply the right strategies, you can grow your following organically, which can impact your entire business. It never hurts to have… Continue reading 10 Awesome Social Media Tools to Try This Year
That old piece of trivia that paper money carries more germs than your toilet seat has never been more relevant. Society was already trending away from physical bills, but recent studies have found that 60% of consumers plan to use digital payments instead of physical in the future because of COVID-19. It’s official: cashless and… Continue reading Why electronic payment processing is the future of digital banking
Blockchain and cryptocurrency are perhaps the youngest industries in the modern economy. Bitcoin was launched in 2008 and most cryptocurrency businesses and blockchain projects are a few years old. However, the rise of this small industry has been great and now there is an entire sector of blockchain-related services and tangible businesses. One of such… Continue reading The Need for Marketing and PR For Blockchain Companies
The CRM industry just got a little more competitive, as Microsoft and Adobe have announced a partnership aimed at launching a new CRM that will ideally compete with Salesforce down the road. Salesforce has been the king of the mountain when it comes to Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software for years. The company’s robust offerings… Continue reading Microsoft and Adobe Team Up for New CRM to Take on Salesforce
If the first few months of 2020 have taught us anything, it’s that uncertain times can call for quick pivots to sales and marketing plans. Businesses have had to evolve quickly with trade shows, events, and in-person sales meetings being canceled for the foreseeable future, likely throwing a wrench in many 2020 sales and marketing… Continue reading 16 Technology Trends Shaping eCommerce in 2020
Do email campaigns still have a place in your B2B digital strategy during the coming year after the exponential growth of social media during the COVID-19 pandemic? Although some prognosticators always pop up to proclaim the death of email marketing at the end of every year, the opposite is true. Email is not dead. It… Continue reading Social Media vs. Email Campaigns: Followers or Lists?
Over 1 billion people use Facebook Groups, engaging in more personal or niche communities related to their interests. As Groups continue to grow, Facebook looks to identify ways in which brands can tap into these passionate communities to further drive advocacy and business goals. The platform’s most recent update to these efforts comes in the… Continue reading How to Unlock New Opportunities with Facebook Groups Using the Branded Content Tool
If you felt like Halloween 2020 didn’t feel like regular Halloween, you’re not alone. Fewer kids were trick-or-treating, fewer houses were decorated, and we’ve been snacking on more leftover candy than ever before. As we all know far too well, 2020 is very different. This year’s holiday season is likely to feel different too. So,… Continue reading Holiday Marketing and Promotions That Work in 2020
Of course, you hope to find the perfect web designer: someone with exceptional technical chops, who is also personable, responsive, detail-oriented, a great business partner, and optimally, a mind-reader who anticipates your every need. Many pros educate clients around relationship success factors, specifying everything from preferred image formats, to allowable days, times, and methods to… Continue reading Optimizing Communication with Web Designers
Creating Industry Connections (Virtually) Graduating amidst a pandemic was not how I pictured spending my senior year of college. Life changed in an instant. The job market shrank. My classmates and professors were at home, scattered around the globe instead of in a single classroom. Person-to-person interaction became rare and exclusively transactional. We are slowly… Continue reading Creating Industry Connections (Virtually)
Do you want to learn how to optimize your checkout page? Many business owners and marketing teams do an excellent job of leading consumers to their order page by delivering valuable content and actionable advertising. But, despite their efforts, they still struggle to secure sales. The average cart abandonment rate across all industries is a… Continue reading How to Optimize Your Checkout Page for More Sales
In the age of COVID-19, there are minimal networking, tradeshow, or face-to-face selling opportunities. Many B2B companies who relied on these tactics for lead generation have been caught flat-footed and are in a state of panic due to the lack of leads. Bop Design has a current client that has relied on a 1-page website… Continue reading A B2B Website in the Age of COVID-19
Information Technology Blog – – Tips For Running A Better Business – Information Technology Blog Your company may be getting by okay, but this type of mentality isn’t going to allow you to truly grow and expand over the years. There are a few specific tips you should know about that are going to help… Continue reading Tips For Running A Better Business
DIGITAL MARKETING AND SOCIAL MEDIA The digital marketing industry is booming and expanding every day. Did you know that Google receives more than 77,000 searches every second? Yes, this is a true fact and learning this information helped me understand the spectrum of this rapidly growing industry. Nearly all aspects of our world are impacted… Continue reading Digital Marketing and Social Media
Last week, the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted that a “second wave” of COVID-19 seemed inevitable. We have known about the pattern of viral infections for centuries, so it should have been no surprise to our leaders that this second wave was coming. The problem for businesses is that all the noises coming from… Continue reading Can Your Business Survive a Second Wave of COVID-19?
Training Your Gut: Business Edition Over 40% of CEOs said they rely on intuition over big data for decisions. That’s a hefty percentage. While big data and analytics are monumentally helpful in making decisions, a seasoned intuition proves itself irreplaceable. If the good old gut feeling was not to be trusted, humans would have perished… Continue reading Training Your Gut: Business Edition
The economic impacts of the pandemic are becoming more tangible with each passing day. A survey conducted by the Census Bureau determined that out of the 51% of companies reporting they had experienced substantial negative effects related to COVID-19 two months ago, 38% face the same challenges today. Many businesses have adopted a belt-tightening approach.… Continue reading Thriving Beyond COVID-19: The New Marketing Model for Small Businesses
Market research is at the core of every great marketing strategy. It’s the only way to truly understand your industry, customers, and competitors on an intimate level. Generally speaking, every market research execution can be broken into one of four overarching types of market research. To make it easier to refine your marketing research efforts,… Continue reading 4 Types of Market Research to Fuel Your Marketing Strategies
Vanquish Excuses, Start Exercising You said today’s the day. Running shoes awaiting the sweet slap of pavement sit by the door. Earphones and athletic clothes lounge on the dresser, ready for the workout ahead. YET. Somehow all those signals and reminders didn’t motivate you to get moving. We push it off and push it off,… Continue reading Vanquish Excuses, Start Exercising
Around 54% of small businesses have reported unsustainability due to the pandemic, but what has not been brought to light is the effect the crisis has caused on well-established brands, as well. Disney’s yearly revenue has gone down by 31%, hotels worldwide have been losing 42% of jobs, fashion brand Gucci has had a 23%… Continue reading Brand Crisis Management: How Do You Respond to a Crisis in Business?
Anyone can set up and launch a campaign. These days, platforms are extremely user-friendly with tons of great documentation and how-to guides to help entrepreneurs and side-hustlers promote their killer products and services. But just because anyone can do it, doesn’t mean they can do it well. Diving straight into the deep end of online… Continue reading Launching a PPC Campaign? Start With Strategy
5 Critically Important Boundaries for Remote Students or Workers The world plunged into the remote work deep end overnight. Suddenly, teams worked out of Zoom instead of conference rooms, pajama pants instead of slacks. Although this shift came on much faster than imagined, workers worked desperately to developed strategies to cope. As a fresh college… Continue reading 5 Critically Important Boundaries for Remote Students or Workers
Today’s shopper behavior changes create an opportunity to quickly pivot and turn new recruits into tomorrow’s best customers. Chances are you and your family have made countless adjustments as a result of the pandemic. We all have. It’s true in our driving behavior, in how we communicate, how we eat, and how we shop. Consumers… Continue reading 4 Steps to Turn New Buyers into Loyal Customers
“Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel” Inspiration for Bloggers The inspiration well ran dry, huh? We’ve all been there. Those times when you are really scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas are not our proudest moments. But here’s something that will blow your mind: Writer’s block is not an ailment, but an… Continue reading “Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel” Inspiration for Bloggers
With over 700 million monthly active users that consists of world-class brands, celebrities and everyday people around the world, one may conclude that Instagram is arguably the most popular social network in the world today. The success of Instagram can be attributed to a focus on visual content; over 95 million pictures and videos are… Continue reading Increase your Sales via Instagram Marketing
LinkedIn Ads platform has significantly evolved since its launch back in 2005. Fifteen years later it is still a pillar in paid social advertising especially for advertisers who would like to leverage it for creating and nurturing B2B relationships. With 310 million MAU (Monthly Active Users) it provides a unique opportunity to reach out to… Continue reading New LinkedIn Ads Features Every B2B Advertiser Should Know
A decade ago when somebody mentioned business to business connections and relationships, it used to mean face to face elaborative meetings consisting of the top priority members of both the companies present and involved within each step of the decision-making process, all this and much more just to sign a contract and make a business… Continue reading 8 Ways to Strengthen Firm Control On Your B2B Marketing Through Online Presence
Shopping online was once viewed as a novelty. Today, most of us make purchases online through Amazon, eBay, and countless e-commerce websites every week. We were also there when big bulky cellphones transitioned into the sleek, powerful mini-computers we have today. The popularity of online businesses and smartphones go hand in hand. Instead of sitting… Continue reading 5 Ways to Improve Your Mobile Marketing Strategy
In current times, link building campaigns have become more of a norm rather than an exception. Given their numerous benefits, it is imperative that you have appropriate links in place to gain good search engine rankings. Links continue to be the primary factor for Google rankings in 2019. They have an important role to play… Continue reading Techniques and Tools of Link Building that Work!
Over the last few months, fears of infection combined with lockdowns and movement restrictions have pushed more people than ever online and onto social media. On social media, users feel that they have a safe space to interact, be entertained, distract themselves, and find inspiration without any risk of contagion. July 2020 saw a rise… Continue reading What Marketers Need to Know About People’s Social Media Patterns During the Pandemic
Small businesses might not have the same personnel resources as larger ones, but they still have access to the great equalizer: data. That data creates challenges in collecting and ensuring its integrity. In short, data-driven insights come with a variety of unknowns. To really see the impact of data, small businesses need to be deliberate… Continue reading 3 Ways Small Businesses Can Use Data Insights for Growth
#Relatable Relatability & Marketing in 2020 Mask slid down your face as you were talking? #Relatable Rocked pajama pants to your last Zoom meeting? #Relatable Traveled to 18 different grocery stores to find ONE roll of toilet paper? #Relatable New norms have reformed our definition of relatability. This has caused content creators to get… Continue reading #Relatable: Relatability & Marketing in 2020
Every company promoting goods or services on the Internet can benefit from social networking services. Social media is widely used by a large and diverse range of demographics, and for many it’s addictive. But businesses should not overlook the leading tendencies of social media users, including the time of day, day of the week, and… Continue reading Top 6 Ways to Increase Your Brand Awareness Through Social Media Marketing (SMM)
Increase Your Efficiency at Work You know those days where it feels you’re like running, but you never get anywhere? You’re working longer hours just to get projects done. We all get that way sometimes… it’s a factor of life. Instead of sulking in worry and stress, try reversing the way you work. Adding or… Continue reading Increase Your Efficiency at Work
Every great product starts with a brilliant idea – and searching for people, resources and funds to implement it. How you’ll fund the business venture is the first question that arises once you come up with an idea. You can acquire investments by pitching your project to funding organizations or angel investors. I know how it… Continue reading What You Need to Know Before Pitching a Product Idea to Investors
Project Management & Your Life Part 2 Didn’t get enough from our first “Project Management & Your Life” article? We love to see that hunger for project management knowledge. Anyways, I’ll let you get down to the learning! Deliverable This is the result(s)/output(s) of a completed project. Results can be exemplified in reports,… Continue reading Project Management & Your Life Part II
We are living in unprecedented times. Business has been impacted severely across the world, and small business owners are facing times that we would not even have imagined in our wildest dreams. With the shutdowns in economies across the world and social distancing in full effect, small businesses have suffered as this has severely impacted… Continue reading 3 Future-Readiness Ideas All Small Businesses Must Embrace
Project Management & Your Life Life is one big project. The people in your life are your coworkers. Your daily tasks test your problem-solving skills. You present your findings from these tasks to your friends and family. Then they give their opinions on how you can improve (most often, whether you like it or not).… Continue reading Project Management & Your Life
Does This Word Get Capitalized? A Beginner’s Guide to Copywriting Copywriting. It’s everywhere and entwined in almost everything. Ads. Websites. Emails. Marketing, advertising, and sales revolve around this crucial task. Having recently ventured into the land of copywriting, here’s a list of tips, tricks, and resources to aid you on your quest for magnificent copy.… Continue reading Does This Word Get Capitalized? A Beginner’s Guide to Copywriting
Anyone can call themselves an entrepreneur. It’s not that hard to make a small bit of money this year. But if you want to become a real entrepreneur – the kind of professional who offers world-class products and services, the kind of person who can make enough money to live life entirely on your terms… Continue reading Things You Need to Sacrifice If You Want To Become a 6-Figure Entrepreneur
Mobile website design is essential. Why? Because mobile devices are revolutionizing the way we connect, and as a result, the way businesses operate. In fact, the majority of web traffic now comes from mobile devices. “Mobile is becoming not only the new digital hub, but also the bridge to the physical world,” said Thomas Husson,… Continue reading Mobile Website Design in 2020: Everything You Need to Know
Mission Im-PURPOSE-ible Explaining Your Brand Vision & Mission Why? Of all the question words, this one looms over your head like a hawk circling prey. The word gets especially confusing in business scenarios. According to Gallup research, only 41% of employees knew the reason in which their company stands and their company’s differentiating factors. That’s… Continue reading Mission Im-PURPOSE-ible Explaining Your Brand Vision & Mission
The online world is a challenging place, especially when it comes to running an online business. The online world is full of technical challenges that require expertise in coding, SEO (search engine optimization), and design. Challenges also exist in terms of creating and managing content across different online platforms. Finally, advertising online is vastly different… Continue reading Are You Prepared for the Online World? Protecting Your Online Business
With all of the new ways to reach customers online, email marketing continues to be the most effective way to find new customers and stay connected with current customers. However, while email has been around a while, the methods we use email have changed. It is no longer effective just to blast them all with… Continue reading Email Marketing Tips to Improve Customer Loyalty
A lot is on the line to ensure that you advance the ideas and concepts with the greatest potential through your innovation pipeline. For data-driven organizations, the mainstay has been the traditional concept-test and purchase intent survey; however, these methods often lead to results that are inconclusive and may not reflect true purchase behavior. To… Continue reading Measure Concept Engagement, Not Just Purchase Intentions
All You Need Is the Air That We Breathe What the World Is Doing to Improve Air Quality Too often we are afraid to watch the news in fear of upsetting ourselves. For hours, we have sat waiting for a stroke of good news throughout the rainstorm of bad. Well, your search for positive news… Continue reading All You Need Is the Air That We Breathe
There are a lot of ranking factors that determine your website’s position in the SERPs. This, in combination with Google’s ever-changing algorithm, can make SEO tough to execute effectively. The good news is that in most cases, you don’t need to sweat every ranking factor. Some variables carry significantly more weight than others. By focusing… Continue reading Top 5 SEO Optimization Strategies for Your Website
In an age where audiences face information fatigue and consumers are more skeptical than ever of companies and individuals who self-promote, the traditional advertising strategies just don’t get the job done anymore. Instead, consumers are moved by thought leadership, where business leaders provide genuine value to consumers without even the slightest trace of self-promotion. We… Continue reading Be Seen, Be Heard: How to Stand Out From the Crowd in Today’s Noisy Marketplace
We as Internet Marketers talk about search intent a lot, whether it’s for organic searches on SERPs or for content. I even wrote about it previously in my last blog post about the benefits of SEO during the COVID-19 pandemic and how you can use search intent to your advantage. But, let’s go into a… Continue reading How Consumer Behavior Has Changed in 2020
How Your High School Job Taught You Crisis Management We all remember our first job as a babysitter… or an ice cream shop attendant… or a restaurant waiter…. Whatever it was, you have a wide mix of fond to distasteful memories of the job. What you probably didn’t realize was the skills you were building.… Continue reading How Your High School Job Taught You Crisis Management
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a buzzword that’s been on people’s minds for the last 20 years—but the vision of what it is has changed dramatically. Instead of futuristic humanoid robots tottering around major city streets, what we see now is a leading way to help customers interact with companies. AI is changing how we market… Continue reading How AI Transforms Business and Improves the Job Market
Use Your Powers for GOOD: Positively Change the World with Your Instagram Sometimes you can feel powerless about things going on in the world. Problems seem too big to tackle on your own. However, we all need to remember the superpower at our fingertips… the internet! Yes, it is commonly used for evil, but you… Continue reading Use Your Powers for GOOD: Positively Change the World with Your Instagram
Are you an experienced marketer with a passion for promotion, product branding, or logistics? Do you also happen to have an entrepreneurial streak coursing through your veins and always dreamed of being your own boss? If so, think you can build a marketing firm of your very own? Facing the challenge of owning any type… Continue reading How to Build a Marketing Firm from Scratch: Success in Your Own Business
Starting a New Job: Expectations Vs. Reality Remember your first day in a new school? Your brain was pumping with scenarios from making new friends to school lunch food. Starting a job evokes the same feelings of uneasiness. You don’t know how people will take to you. You don’t know exactly what your boss will… Continue reading Starting a New Job: Expectations Vs. Reality
This is a weird time. COVID-19, murder hornets, designer masks…the world has really started to get creative. Many small businesses are struggling right now. If that includes your business, then it’s time for you to get creative, too. Start with something you’ve heard of, but never done before: a webinar. What even is a… Continue reading 5 Reasons to Start Creating Webinars NOW
Long Distance Teamwork The business world was flipped on its side with stay-at-home orders. Who ever thought mass amounts of individuals would be working remotely this early? It seemed more like a distant technological future. Unfortunately, working from home may make some of us miss the physicality of an office. (An office visit certainly would… Continue reading Long Distance Teamwork
Keeping your target audience engaged is invaluable for your brand. When your audience shares, comments, or likes your content, they are telling people that your brand is delivering value. Earning the engagement of your target potential customers is not an easy task. It requires consistency, creative thoughtfulness, and collaborative efforts from your marketing team.… Continue reading Don’t Be Afraid of Content – 6 Strategies to Help You Win
How to Stay Motivated in Business Motivation. It can come and go in a fleeting moment or stay as persistent as a stoked fire. We go back and forth like the tides. It recedes and comes back in different forms. As Confucius famously stated, “The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to… Continue reading How to Stay Motivated in Business
Hey. Hiya. Hello. Greetings play a major role in how you see someone. Addressing your boss with the same verbiage of a college frat boy might not go over too well. So, what about brand voice? What kind of conversational should your brand be? The answer lies crocheted into your brand image quilt. When contemplating… Continue reading Wazzup Dawg? A Reflection in Brand Voice
Your Guide to Social Media Video Dimensions “Lights. Camera. Action.” used to mean crazy heavy equipment and intricate costumes. Now, video creation has taken a new meaning… a more bare-bones approach. With our ready access to cameras, content can be created at seconds notice, especially social media content. HOLD IT RIGHT THERE, BUSTER! Before you… Continue reading Your Guide to Social Media Video Dimensions
How Social Media Has Changed Us: COVID-19 edition What’s the first thing you grab in the morning? A glass of water? Probably not. Your toothbrush? Eh. How about your phone? Think about that. The amount of people looking at their phone within the first few minutes of waking up and/or brushing their teeth is astounding.… Continue reading How Social Media Has Changed Us: COVID-19 edition
Make a Difference in Your Community: We Know… it’s Cliché Yes, we know that this title is intimidating. The world seems to be turning at an unfamiliar pace. Sometimes the minutes pass by, begrudgingly, especially while trapped indoors. Other times it seems like someone pressed the fast-forward button and you wish you could press pause.… Continue reading Make a Difference in Your Community: We Know… it’s Cliché
6 Ways to Battle Bad Online Reviews One of the hardest lessons to learn as a kid was that not everyone is going to like you. Believe me, I tried to push the boundaries with candy bribery, but it only lasted as long as the sugary goodness did. After that, the social atmosphere resumed as… Continue reading 6 Ways to Battle Bad Online Reviews
Get Ahead While Inside You probably just finished the last show you wanted to binge on Netflix. Minutes… hours… days have been ticking away and what do you have to show for it? An impressive snack pantry? Extensive knowledge of Joe Exotic and Carole Baskin? While it is great to have more time for yourself,… Continue reading Get Ahead While Inside
Don’t Stop Advertising During COVID-19 (or any Recession) “When times are good, you should advertise. When times are bad, you must advertise” Source COVID-19 has caused a temporary market crash, with many portfolio and 401k owners losing significant value in their holdings, starting when the DOW lost 2,000+ points in a single day. Many small-medium… Continue reading Don’t Stop Advertising During COVID-19 (or any Recession)
How to Find and Keep Inspiration Working from home for some can not always be easy. The current situation we are in can cause a lot of stress, and has definitely shook up our current lifestyles. With that, it can be hard to find and keep inspiration. However, we have compiled an ultimate guide on… Continue reading How to Find and Keep Inspiration
4 Ways to Help Your Company Go Green Having a great product, business, or service is one thing, but it is so important for businesses to be sustainable and environmentally friendly. It is important, especially as businesses to do our part! Here are 4 Ways we can Go Green! 1. SUSTAINABILITY TEAM Think about starting… Continue reading 4 Ways to Help Your Company Go Green
Hosting Social Media Giveaways What a better time than to do a social media giveaway?! Many people are home right now, scrolling on social media and some going through a very rough time. Right now is a great time to treat your followers to an amazing giveaway! Giveaways not only give you the opportunity to… Continue reading Hosting Social Media Giveaways
How to Stay Positive It is very easy to get swept up in negativity and get trapped in our negative thoughts. Especially now, with so much negativity in the world, staying positive can seem like a daunting task. However, it is so important to practice positivity, invest into your self care and work on our… Continue reading How to Stay Positive
Supporting Small Businesses Right now many of our favorite small businesses could be struggling. Especially those amazing Mom and Pop shops and hole-in-the-wall restaurants. Because of the current pandemic, many people have been experiencing hardship, being laid-off, filing for unemployment and even closing their doors. Undoubtedly this will have an effect on our economy. So… Continue reading Supporting Small Businesses
How to Stay Sane During Quarantine To say the least, it has been a crazy few weeks that we’ve all been experiencing. Due to the COVID-19 virus, we’ve all been put into quarantine to not only protect ourselves but to protect others that are at high risk. Most of us have never experienced something like… Continue reading How to Stay Sane During Quarantine
Color your Brand: A Step-By-Step Guide to Brand Color Selection Ever notice how the colors in a restaurant make you want to stay or leave? Your favorite date-night restaurant surrounds you with warm colors and dimmer lighting to make you feel at home. Gentle music and the smell of fresh food permeates the air to soothe… Continue reading Color your Brand: A Step-By-Step Guide to Brand Color Selection
5 Seriously Cool Companies Helping to Save Our Oceans and Beaches Ocean conservation and cleanup may seem like a daunting task, but these companies are proving that a little goes a long way, and that everybody can have a hand in saving oceans and marine life. Take a look at our list of five companies… Continue reading 5 Seriously Cool Companies Helping to Save Our Oceans and Beaches
HOW TO RESPOND TO OPPOSING VIEWS Let’s face it, we all spend a lot of our time on social media platforms, and for some of us even run businesses or brand on social media or online. With that, comes a lot of differing opinions and the ability to take your stance on just about any… Continue reading How to Respond to Opposing Views
How to Explain Your Purpose When marketing and showcasing your brand, it is so crucial for your audience to know what your purpose is. Your audience is asking themselves these questions: What drives this brand? Who are the faces behind this brand? What does this brand or company stand for? Why do I want to… Continue reading How to Explain Your Purpose
Setting Goals and How to Actually Accomplish Them We are 3 months into the New Year and let’s be honest, have you really been sticking to your New Year’s Resolution? A lot of the times, we set goals, never stick to them or fall off, ESPECIALLY with our New year’s resolution. But let’s get back… Continue reading Setting Goals and How to Actually Accomplish Them
5 Tips on How To Use Your Instagram for Good In this digital age, we are all obsessing over social media and “living our best lives.” However, as of recent, social media, especially Instagram has become an unattainable, unrealistic and fantasized highlight reel. It is now hard to even log in to the app, without… Continue reading 5 Tips on How To Use Your Instagram for Good
Top 10 Environmentally Friendly Products That Need to Be Added to your Shopping List ASAP: It’s no exaggeration that there is an environmental crisis happening in the world. We all need to start making more of an effort to help out the environment. Whether its a small impact or a large one, take the first… Continue reading Top 10 Environmentally Friendly Products That Need to Be Added to your Shopping List ASAP